Date Posted: November 4, 2016


Never go to a Doctor whose Office Plants have died
Date Posted: November 4, 2016

There are many things that influence our impression about a person, company or service and some of these might seem totally unrelated.

The late Erma Bombeck, an American humorist writer from Dayton, Ohio (1927-1996) famously coined this expression which typifies how a small detail can totally alter our view of something or someone.

“Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died”

When I go to see a doctor I would rarely consider his/her qualifications, generally don’t question the diagnosis and usually take any medication prescribed even if my condition is completely misdiagnosed and the medication is totally wrong. Why? Because he/she is a Doctor and I’m not.


What else makes me trust a person or organisation?

There are other subconscious factors that give me this unquestioning confidence. These are things like how clean and tidy and organised the practice is. Fresh paint, good lighting, gentle background music and the quiet hubbub of efficient secretaries and staff all contribute to my feeling of being in the hands of a professional and caring organisation.

The opposite is also true. Should the waiting area be dingy, dirty and cold and home to some dying, unloved plants, I would begin to question whether this doctor is going to really care about me. I certainly wouldn’t be recommending him/her to my friends!

Take a look at your own premises.

What impression do you think your visitors receive about your organisation? Is it the impression you want them to get?

Ask the same question on behalf of your staff. What impression do they get of the organisation they work for? Is it one that takes care of their employees? Are they receiving the right messages?


What can you do about it?

There are fundamental housekeeping tasks that any organisation can and should be doing to keep the premises properly maintained, clean, tidy and organised. There are also some other simple things that can be done to ensure your visitors and staff get the impression of your organisation that you want them to have.

Office Plant Displays

If you have any plant displays inside or outside your premises, make sure that they are healthy, attractive and well-maintained. A simple, inexpensive maintenance contract can be obtained from a reliable, dedicated plantscaping company to ensure any planting you have looks attractive, well cared for and vibrant.

If you don’t have any plant displays, I would definitely recommend that you get some. Installing some beautiful, lush plants in designer containers expertly positioned in your premises can make such a difference and totally transform the impression your organisation is portraying.

It’s easy and quick to organise. Invite an experienced, specialist plantscaping company to come in and carry out a free survey of your premises and put their recommendations together for you. They should be able to provide you with images and visuals to help you understand how the new scheme will look and then, when you’re ready to proceed, you can normally expect to have your chosen planting scheme installed within only a few weeks.

Don’t forget to take out a maintenance contract! No organisation can afford to be seen as the company whose office plants have died!



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