Since we installed our first office plant displays back in 1993, we've learned a thing or two about how to transform corporate environments into happier, healthier places to work.

Claiming a free planting proposal is a great opportunity to use our expertise to explore the benefits of incorporating plants into the workplace without any obligation.

Click below to claim your free office planting proposal - exclusive to attendees of The Office X Watercooler.

At Benholm, we have over 30 years of experience in creating, installing, and maintaining plant displays for offices of all sizes across the UK.

We offer a range of rental, purchase and maintenance options tailored to fit your space, style, and budget.

You will receive a tailored plan specifically designed for your office space. This proposal will take into account factors such as budget, layout, headcount, lighting conditions, and aesthetic preferences to create an optimal solution.

The planting proposal includes visual representations of how the plant displays will look in your office space. This allows you to envision the final result and make informed decisions about design and placement.

It will outline the costs associated with the recommended plant displays, including maintenance options for ongoing care. This transparency allows you to budget accordingly and assess the return on investment.

We aim to acknowledge all proposal requests within 24 hours of The Office X Watercooler event.

The length of time to complete your proposal will depend on the complexity of your query.

No, there are absolutely no obligations or costs associated with requesting the planting proposal from Benholm Group.

Our aim is to provide valuable insights and recommendations tailored to your office space, completely free of charge.

Whether you’re simply exploring options or ready to enhance your workplace environment with greenery, our team is here to assist you every step of the way, without any hidden fees or commitments.

We’d love to hear from you.

Simply call our friendly team on 01324 861300, or email to discuss your project today.

Want to learn more?

Click below to discover how integrating plants into your office space can foster a healthier and more productive work environment by visiting our dedicated workplace wellbeing page.

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